Link to the podcast with Angela (also on Spotify, Apple and other podcast-Apps, episode 36)
Since 2021, I have a podast (Literatunnat), usually in German language.
In March 2024, I did an English episode for the first time. Co-moderated by Jamie-Lee Campbell, we talked to author Angela Liu.
My first contact to Angela's prose was Pinocchio Phtotography, published in Clarkesworld. I think it's an amazingly good story.
I contacted Angela via twitter, following her ever since, reading other Horror and science fiction prose of hers.
After recommending Angela's prose to my friend Jamie, she also became a fan. We decided to invite Angela to my podcast.
You can now listen to the episode. I just wish every author would have had a teacher like Angela in middle school, who advises against "cliché city". Especially in Germany, where we do not tend to have such classes so early in life in the first place.
I was amazed about Angela's path to Clarkesworld, Uncanny and other cool magazines and her way of writing, how she starts, continues and edits afterwards.
Some thoughts during the episodes really stuck in my brain now. Is it true that the same stuff makes us sad, but not the same stuff makes us happy? Why is it easier to impress with a sad story?
And I never would have guessed there is so little feedback in the anglo-american Science fiction scene for short prose.
So maybe we do talk more about short prose in Germany in the end? And why so?
This episode might be the first one of many to learn what's going on in the whole world of science fiction.
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